Saturday 23 January 2010

Albums of 2009 (although I still love most of them now)

Got really excited earlier when a letter from UCAS came, but it was just a confirmation of me sending off my UCAS. Which I think is totally pointless >;/ I don't particularly want to know about something I did myself...
Never mind like; I really wanted a university saying 'yes' after like 2 days though. xP not going to happen though.

How is your UCAS Xanthe by the way?

Mhm, one thing that really annoys me about exams though is that I barely see my dad at all during them. My mum insists upon me staying at her house for the exams. Makes sense as Hendredenny is closer to school, and its best to keep all my revision in one place, but I just feel bad for my dad like :/

Also, I can put up with my dad for much longer than my mum. She's alright but I just need her to shut up sometimes! And she doesn't :|

Anyway, Rob's blog said express your favourite albums of 2009. So yeah, I had a few:

- Day & Age! I was obsessed with this Killers' album more than any other album they've made although I've kind of levelled out now. My favourite song is A Dustland Fairytale =]

- Folie à Deux. Before this album I only had limited love of Fall Out Boy. I had heard one or two of their songs. I really got into this album and listened to it constantly last year. So yeah, t'is good :) I have no real favourite on this album because I've been obsessed with most of the songs at one time or another.

- Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends. Early in 2009 I was amazed by Coldplay, and I got into this album. And then I got into the EP they released next.

- Prospekt's March. Listen to Life in Technicolour II. Its awesome =]

- Everything in Transit. Not a big fan as much now, but I did listen to this album by Jack's mannequin looads. I like the cover to this one =] Is pretty

- The Fame. Yeah, I am kind of ashamed to admit it now, but Lady Gaga's first album I listened to many many times. I don't like it at all any more but there you go - it happens.

The face of a blond woman. She is wearing black glasses. The right side of the glasses is covered by blue crystals. On the bottom of the left side of the glasses, the word "The Fame" is written in white.

- Only By The Night. I love all the songs on this KOL album :) It's been on my mp3s since like forever so yeah, all them songs are good.

- Slipway Fires. Now I realise I can't really put all the albums I've loved in 2009; there were looads. But yeah, I was obsessed with Razorlight too :)

And there's a few more albums as well...

OK, there's basically loads I feel I should put in, but its difficult to sort them down to the top 10, and I also can't be arsed :)

Hope it satisfies your question though Rob




Xanthe said...

Nice albums :)

My UCAS is going fine. Sent it off thursday night. Havn't had a letter or anything yet tho :S.

Anonymous said...

None of those albums were released in 2009 lol.

Fall Out Boy, Jason Mraz and Elliot Minor are gaaaaay

GL said...

I know they weren't :P

And you are a gay Rob >:[