Friday 18 June 2010

I have written about the Summer, and my party if you would like to read about such things...

I hate Summer, and I hate the monotonousness of people talking about it; it fits in with many of the things I really hate about being on the computer. Although, I'm not going to stop coming on here, and I guess the fact that I'm complaining about what everybody else does on here really does make me a hypocrite :L .... irritating.

Anyway, yes I hate the Summer. I cannot stand heat. I mean, here I am writing a blog at almost 2 o'clock in the morning, and I'm boiling! :o How is that normal?

I hadn't really thought about it until I started talking about Summer, but it really is freaky...

I had a debate with my mum and Gareth earlier, about climate change and whatnot. This was after watching the weather news, which had said that we've had a few really dry months, driest for 30-40 years I think.
So I firmly believe in climate change, not global warming - we all know that's propaganda, at least in geography we do. Sandy (I seem to mention her a lot in my blogs - maybe its a subconscious thing) drummed that into us. Al Gore just wants money!

Look at his greedy face:

Anyway, yes, climate change. I firmly believe in it, and I have done far before I started geography at GCSE. 
So, we had a debate about climate change after I said that the dryness just goes to prove it that little bit more. Gareth thinks everything is normal, and its basically all bullshit. He thinks they'll have a new scare story in 20 years. This is understandable; before they were telling us about global warming they were scared of a global freeze! That was some time in the 50s... 
However, both scare stories - even if they were hyped up by the media - have their scientific backing. The Earth's temperature fluctuates; its going to happen. However, when I use the term 'climate change', I mean to say a quick succession of different weathers. So I argued my point that the weather is acting a little topsy-turvy.
People have been saying, 'Oh, this year proves that everything's back to normal now, and nothing's going to happen'. This is dull. Normality in weather patterns wouldn't go back to normal after one year :S
I really despise the people who deny everything ;/
They just tend to be lazy and/or rich people.

How did I get onto that?

Yes, I hate the Summer. My favourite seasons are Autumn and Winter. I never really care about the rain too much. As long as I have my music, I can walk through rain for hours. You can't do that with a blazing sun... Everything's too hot. And I don't like shorts! Therefore, I am boiling in my jeans. And then when I get inside to try and escape the heat outside, I go up to my attic which collects all the heat of the house I swear!
As I've been trying to revise over the last few weeks (Yes, I must mention work in this blog too) my sheets are strewn all over the floor; my room is a serious mess. This means that I can't open my skylight too far without winds coming in and throwing up all my work. Of course, most of it doesn't matter now =] and my plan of revision for the next geography exam is all on the computer, but it is still irritating.

So, yes I don't like Summer; you might say, 
'But, Gwyn. Your birthday is in the depths of Summer!' 

Summer is the worst time to have a birthday... Everyone was always on holiday on my birthday =/ I've never really had a very successful birthday party, mainly because whenever I had one I only had two friends, one of which was too cheap to bother coming...

Anyway, hopefully this year will be different. The idea has now changed. My mum said I can't have it in Virginia Golf Club, as it's far too expensive. So she said I should have it in the Goodrich on Van Road. I don't think this is concrete yet, but I want to go along with it. Its a smaller venue than Virginia, but I don't think I would really want to fill it up to the brim anyway. My parties should have a theme of being civilised =] I think that was the case at the one last year because Beth and Xanthe couldn't come, most probably :P

See, it was completely sophisticated! =]

I wish I could have another house party =/ 

Anyway, yes - what would you think of Goodrich...? Its different, it should be tried out. It would be earlier than my birthday to make sure its before people go on holidays. 

Well, I've written a lot more than you'll probably care to read, so I shall be quiet now, and go away.

Nos da! =]


Wednesday 16 June 2010


I'm feeling nostalgia for the old blogs =[

Only last year we had our blogging tendencies; we were constantly at it. I greatly miss Chloe's blogs as in Chloe Williams...although now that I think about it the newer Chloe has stopped blogging too...

Anyway, yes I miss Chloe's blogs. I was always impressed with them. I can't say anything against Lee; I've never met him, but he did deteriorate my enjoyment of the blogging experience ;|

All the blogs that once were had their qualities, reflected in all your quirks of personality.

But that's probably mostly gone now; I lost my optimism for any real blogging revival a while ago. People move on to new things, and I'm afraid for most of us, the new things most probably won't include our blog followers.
Of course, our blogs will still be here - well, I'm not going to delete mine - but will we ever go back to the daily updates of blogs, sitting up late at night preferring to write a blog than doing actual work?

But that's not what you want to hear really. I'm no pessimist; I don't regularly complain. Knowing me as I do, I'll probably continue to update my blog sporadically, just to make sure its still there, long after all of you have become mature adults with little interest in the young ones' internet (apart from Xanthe. She'll always live on here). Because soon, that will be the case! :o Can you imagine, not being the young generation! We will be old! My cousin says that anyone older than 20 is old. I can see her point... You might not say that being in your 20s is the 2nd generation, but your well on your way there. And even if you don't think so, people will perceive you to be so.
Its scary, but good. I've always looked forward to getting into my twenties. Its certainly not as scary as the whole moving towards university. Which brings me to a point. I don't want to worry about it now, because I've done the exam. I'm just not sure I've got anywhere close to the B in History I need.... =/ I really don't want to stay another year in Caerphilly. I've warmed to the idea of going to Swansea a lot, being a floor buddy with Swaran :L
I guess whatever happens, happens. Just irritates me. I think grades should be given according to a discussion you've had. Sandy could've recorded so many of our class discussions and I would've gotten an A. >:|

I prefer the idea in university where you take your work home with you. Its a lot but you get more time. The time limits in our exams constrain us and our ability far too much. Timed essays aren't the only way of establishing people's intelligence. Stupid exam board.

I feel that I am repeating things I've said in a previous blog. I'm not sure. I think I talk about work a lot...

Instead I shall talk about my day. Which concerns a lot of work =/ So actually I won't talk about my day. I'll just say I had bacon, chips and beans for dinner. =]

I've also been taking a long break from revision this evening (although most of the last week has been a long break, but this evening's break felt less stressful) and I've played on Rome.

Then I felt compelled to blog about things. From what I gather off other people, we all have blogger on, yet we are all too lazy to actually write anything. We all feel that we have nothing to say? When did we ever have anything real to say? :L
To be honest, I think the spontaneous unplanned blogs gain much more attention than when we know what we want to write about.

The only thing I really set out to write about for this blog was about my History - which is now OVER - because Phil told me to update people about its end lol.

Other than that, I have fuck all to say. Now my back hurts and I want a drink, and I'm generally finding the voice in my head (which is my own) tedious. I always think loudly when I'm typing.... Sometimes I speak what I'm typing as a whisper without really noticing.... Does anyone else do that?

Anyway, someone else write a blog. Stop letting Xanthe get all the glory of blog-making ;D

Write anything. I just want to hear your [typed] voices!
I miss people =/

Nos da

(Back to old the traditions ;D you may have noticed a few large words)
