Sunday 28 March 2010

A Summary of my Saturday - Post 43..


- boldness or daring, esp. with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.

That's the meaning behind Gavin's strange Facebook name.
I know I intended to listen to his music as well, to laugh at it. But I have not been bothered with that. 

Instead I have been bothered with watching films. Me, Rosie, Phil and Jemma watched Bounty Hunter at the cinema today, where we saw Ben at work which was a very strange sight indeed!

Being driven around by Phil is also a very different experience to being in Carrie's car or Sarah's. He is a very careful driver, and he has the same car as my dad. He drives similarly to a 40 year old :P

I look forward to Monday. I intend to drink my Kronenbourg and generally act like a good boy. :)

If Rachael is appearing at the party, I do hope she returns my tie.

I have very little to report at this point in time so I shall go to bed.

Night peoples!