Wednesday 27 January 2010

Dictionary Definition of Cameroon

So yeah...

Not really.

I feel happy with ways in which 2010 is going. Well, there's a few things that I've been pretty happy about anyway (: Now the exams are over, I feel a weight lifted and I feel so lazy :P like normal but yeah. Even though I know there's new things to start worrying about but yeah, I'm like whatever to that right now. I am pleased that Rob got a party for the after-exam time :) And then I'm going to the cinema on Saturday for Chloe's birthday.

Parties are always a good thing. Also, I look forward to the Gower camping :) I don't think you're being serious enough Xanthe. You said nothing about it all day :O

And I also look forward to taking many many pictures in Poland :)

So 2010's going good, I want it to be amazing, something to actually remember before Uni, although I am looking forward to this much more now. Like I just want to find my life where its just me. Um...
Like i just want to break away from parents and make my own food, even though I know it will be a disaster many times  :) but I look forward to beans and crumpets. Lots of.
And I'm just looking forward to having new people around, people who are more obsessed with geography :P or maybe not. I'm not sure. Would I like them if they were all really good at geography and history? :/

I guess university will find me some kind of identity... that's more varied than it is now.. Or maybe not. I don't want to change that much...
But anyway yeah i doo want to find new people whether they be similar or different.

Thinking about moving on though, I've seen Liam a few times over the Christmas holidays and I've realised how much you can move on in a few months. I mean like he's my friend and all that, but there's some things that just makes me think 'Why were you my best friend?' :s ... Maybe its just because he hasn't talked to me for months and maybe i changed and now he can't deal with me. It just pisses me off though, and I find it much harder to think of what to say to him. I don't like to think that this happens to all people you miss out on for a while..

Hmm, what else am I feeling.... ah, I don't feel like making a big thing of little's too big.

I have to keep reminding myself that there's so much more to your life than what you're feeling at this precise moment. So I should really just get on with it and look at things in perspective.

Happy. =]


P.S sorry if this bores you, I didn't realise I wrote it until it was over...[=