Friday 3 September 2010

At least I'm not going to Glamorgan ;D

So this is it! Well, there's, what, three weeks left until I bugger off to Swansea, but really all of 'it' has happened and now I feel like everything's moved away.

I've been having these sad moments in bursts for quite a while, I keep thinking 'well that'll be the last time I see them then/last time I walk around here'.

I'm losing people and I'm losing Caerphilly... I mean I hope you all know how much I will miss you. But Caerphilly doesn't know because it has no ears =[

I shall miss the walks around, the mountain, the shops that always suited my simple needs, the pubs, the chavvy bits and the posh bits. I'll miss sitting outside the castle to read books, eating Greggs or Subway.

I mean I can do all the typical things I've done for years when I'm older, but it won't be the same... I'm not sure I can really have the same thing in Swansea. Swansea is so much bigger than Caerphilly!

Anyway, I'm positive - I'm happy and well, I'm shocked I didn't write a blog about my results :o

Well yeah, I had Cs in History and Geography and the Welsh Bacc... could've done better in History if I'd applied myself in the coursework, but nay... it was irritating coursework. Swansea liked me anyway so Yay! :D

I'm going to be living in cupboard 180 in the student village in Swansea....although apparently it's a particularly  rough area (in a place called Sketty - I thought it sounded quite rough..). This will be fun! Then again, do chavs usually associate themselves with students? I would say they're two different ways of life... I mean, for example, one time when I was wandering around Caerphilly on my lonesome I was accosted by four of these chav-types. They wanted to know my sexuality due to my extremely long hair. I informed them that my hair had no bearing on my preferred sexuality, although I assured them I would get my hair cut soon (I didn't). After going through that they asked me whether I was in college. I said, 'Not at all! I am hopefully going to be attending the University at Swansea, to do History'. (I thought if I used my entire course name, I would be punched sooner than later)
I went into some detail about universities and general education, and it kept them quiet for a while. They must have been thoroughly interested and therefore I can conclude that chavs are so astounded by student conversation that they are unable to talk. Therefore, they don't mix sadly =/

Anyway, yes cupboard 180! What I can't wait for is squishing the crap I own into a tiny room, and after a week deciding to throw it out. Who needs a bed? The ground's comfortable enough =]

Also, there's cooking to learn...

And lectures about Ancient History! :D

I hope I can get some internet on my laptop! It hasn't been working since I got it on my birthday..

And I can't wait to vandalise Sarah's house! =] Unless of course its far away from the village, in which case, ugh!
The village is two miles away from the university which is alright; I always walked from my dad's which is two miles away from the school, but its 5 miles away from actual Swansea, which just takes the piss to be honest  -.-

And I've got a few other thoughts about university, but I've run out of typing energy. Soz