Wednesday 23 September 2009


I want.

I feel I dress too childishly, and I really want to get different clothes. (And indeed large suitcases.
I wouldn't use it but it looks cool!)
Sarah put this idea in my head; she keeps saying stuff that inspires fashion ideas ... in my head.
Apparently I need a black and white shirt now :P
I do want a black and white shirt. I want lots of shirts. I wanted to have a suit and posh shoes and everything, but my mum says you can't have that because it's a waste of money. She says I'm not supposed to go around wearing such clothing.

Why not?!

I think its all so cool, AND sophisticated. I feel left behind when I'm stuck in the typical blue-navy top and jeans.

Then again, at least I have my watch (even if it does constantly stop and start - Yes, I am too lazy to get its batteries sorted. I'll fix it when the need is dire). My watches make me feel happy :)
They're like something you can keep all your life, at least I hope so. I like permanence; I'm not too impulsive, hence why it takes me so long to get any new clothes.

Anyway, I want a new mug :)

In fact, that mug suits you, Xanthe.

ohh yeah, and the suitcase up top is a portmanteau.
A portmanteau can also be where you use two words to form one word - like smog. Or it can be used to describe a merge of cultures - My big word, Chloe. :)

Nos da pobls...
