Thursday 30 June 2011

Just a much-needed update

Well all of that's changed a bit...

Wrote a blog at the start of the uni year (when I had a working laptop) and then things happened; I suppose I enjoyed myself didn't I... blogs were of no interest to me or apparently anyone else. Blogger has dried up into ancient history now... But now I am back in Caerphilly, I felt a sudden urge to give the site a little gander. Not much to look at, I don't particularly expect many viewers on this but that's no worry. I'll link it to Tumblr anyway, so....yay.

I wish to update my blog on what uni was like at the end of the Freshers' Year in Swansea :)

The flat's inhabitants changed. We lost Pete after a few weeks; he wasn't a very enthusiastic member of 180... He spent his nights out at different flats - no problem in that - although whenever he came back to our flat he never made an effort to talk to us. He was the local Swansea boy; he had better people to talk to than us clearly. He moved out in the, let's say, 5th/6th week of term.

His bedroom remained empty for decent amount of time until a few weeks before the Christmas holidays when we gained the lovely & scary Christiern into our midst

He had been living in a flat where the people were strange, horrid. They liked to sacrifice children and eat eyeballs and things like that, so he was quite right to come and live with us in 180. We celebrated our flat Christmas Party at the time he arrived into the flat. Which was extremely delicious I must say. Also, I and Matteo were particularly talented at the washing-up...

Note on Christiern:

Name - Christiern Francis
Nationality - From Cornwall
Height - Taller than Me
Drink - Everything (especially Cornish Rattler)
Food - Cornish pasty
Attitude - Angry
Sport - Banter

First term over with, we all went home and sulked from lack of fun uni drinking. For WEEKS. And then we returned back to the land of Swansea for exams and whatnot. They weren't really important, they were meh.

It was during this term that Amy became less and less seen in our flat (always at her boyfriend's), which was perfectly opposite to amount of moths seen in the flat. Every day we had pet moths sitting on the cupboards, the oven, the plates, our food. They are prone to suicidal tendencies by way of drowning themselves in the sink. Odd little buggers. We also gained a pet potato, named Manuel. So all was not lost at the general disappearance of Amy!

Life moved on as it always did in the flat of 180. And at some point Hannah gained her present boyfriend Toby. Ah, we all loved Toby! She met him in a flat party, and they became inseparable ever after.

We moved on to the Easter holidays, another long separation. The third term made up for it though. It was fraught with excitement and tales, more drinking and sleeping than ever before. This term was where Toby became the regular inhabitant of 180 (a much better replacement for Amy than a potato...!)

The May/June exams over, many of us Jacks stayed in Swansea until the 18th of June. I ended up visiting hospital once for overindulging on Jägerbombs; I then proceeded to walk home in the rain from the hospital, a distance of 8 and a half miles. It was a bloody long & shameful walk. 

And then yeah, it was over. I haven't really done the village justice with this blog. But this is just a brief story of some of the events; I should have kept regularly updating but never mind. Just know that I will miss the village bitterly. The house next year will be superb I am sure, with its balcony, sea view, double bed bedrooms and a living room WITH A TV! :o But it won't have the student community feel of the village or the exclusivity that you can't have when living in an area with the normal public next-door. I am sorely envious of the next load of freshers to turn up in Hendrefoelan. 
I love you Village <3

Au revoir.
