Friday 15 October 2010

My flat.

There's a few things in my flat, so here now I have decided to blog about these things.

I've been meaning to this blog for ages but I kept forgetting to take my camera out to do the pictures. But never the mind! I have done it now :D

Well yes I have a kitchen:

As you can see, its surprisingly clean here :D

Not anymore.... =/ the bowels just love to pile up, and nobody ever dries their dishes and whatnot. It gets impossible to cook because of the great pile of dirty washing. Yay.

And here you see Matteo posing in the sitting down area of the kitchen:

Its not his usual pose, which is where he stares wistfully into the distance, even in his room where there is no distance to the wall. Behind Matteo, you can see our makeshift sofa, The Times upon it; you can see the mop I danced with in an earlier night next to the blue chair (which they STOLE out of my bedroom! -.-); you can also see me taking the photo in the very reflective window. 

So that's enough of the kitchen. If you walk towards Matt and then turn right you won't go'll look through the window that stares into the forest. If you turn left however you'll be able to walk down the corridor that goes past my bedroom!

There's Jess in the corridor. There's not an awful lot to comment on in the corridor. Urm - don't break the fire extinguisher! It costs a lot of money apparently.

So now I turn leftways once more.

And oh! look, I've found my room! :D Ben did not approve of my putting up of the Welsh flag, but muhahahaha!

I hope that gives you an idea of the conditions I'm living in. :) I do like it! And now I shall end this blog, as it is late...

Night, all you strangers of Swansea, and Sarah
