Wednesday 17 March 2010

I would never suit a chav's lifestyle =]

I just noticed that my last blog was concerned with the last party. I don't want to make a habit of only documenting parties though. So tonight I will write a blog on Scotland, as promised in November.

So yeah, there was a party last Friday. Mair's 18th which I had originally thought was a pyjama party, and then I was informed otherwise after buying a pair of pyjamas...

I did like the idea of school stereotypes though. Pregnant Mair was hilarious =] and I also liked Emo Ben. And well there were a lot of general good outfits. I remember coming in at the start of the party, sitting down next to Ben, marvelling at Mair's big shaggy dog. Then I commented on Ben's outfit and I laughed at his tie and he took offence.

So yeah, then there was a bit of singing, and there was sitting down on the sofas and chatting. Then more people turned up. We could hear Sarah coming from miles away because of the excessive laughter. Party carried on and there was drinking going on. I remember taking off one of my trainers...for some reason and the leaving it on the floor. I also remember photos being taken by Sarah and Carrie. I took a few photos of Sarah's legs because she wanted them documented. And I was told that I failed at photography.

I remember being tickled.. and I remember break dancing on the floor. Or well spinning on the floor..

Memory starting to go fuzzy.. I went to Mair's room for a while. I had a long chat with Leah about a lot of things. And this was at the same time as when people went for their first walk..

After that, I went downstairs, realised no one was in the house. I went outside and I was dragged away by Sarah down a lane... And yeah..

Then I remember being back in Mair's bedroom and chatting to Liam about things while Sarah was on my lap..
The lights were turned on and off and my memory is very small a this point. I just about remember the conversation I was having with Liam.

After this I remember returning downstairs, and seeing Beth very ill sitting on the wooden floor of Mair's house. Then Mair returned from 'Toppy' informing the rest of us that Xanthe had been left somewhere along the walk slowly freezing to death. I speedily left Mair's house in search of Xanthe with Sarah, without any of my trainers I might add. I didn't notice any of the stuff I trod in =/

We ran to where we thought we might find Xanthe, failed and walked back again. On the second time, Mair and Liam and Trev came with us and we found Xanthe. Then I, Liam and Trev walked on further to find Alan and Amy. However, we later discovered they were at Mair's house anyway.

I remember returning once more to Mair's house, getting emotional, shouting at Alan, being told by Liam and Trev that they were leaving, watching Xanthe stagger in with a look of Hell upon her face. People talked about things and i wasn't really listening. Then I settled down on the sofa, watched a bit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and fell asleep. I woke again later; thankfully I had missed the programme about penises... The traffic cops were very loud though and I could not get back to sleep until Mair had turned off the television.

We then chatted at about 4 in the morning, fell asleep again, woke again at about 7. I left Mair's later with Tim and that was the end of that.

I have no idea where my trilby hat has gone, however :(

So yeah, hope this shall get the appreciation is deserves. I put a lot of thought into it :P

I shall blog later. Bye!