Tuesday 22 December 2009

Happy now.

Happier than I've been in a long while. Dunno why =] just random stuff happened that culminates (big word must use :) ) in much happiness. Ben's party was amazing by the way. Apart from the stupid Rosé =/ I don't quite like the looks people give you when they think you're too drunk and too sicky to walk home. So yeah, Rob's party I'll not be mixing as an experiment :)
Its Karan's fault, saying no no no you can't mix wine with lager and cider and etc. There's a part in all of us that wishes to defy Karan :).
Anyway, yeah this is just me saying sorry to Ben's mum and dad. I bet they were pissed off with me. there is the photo of me clearing up the Carling... I remember that bit quite well. I literally couldn't move for like half a minute with lager soaking the floor. It was funny.

So yeah, I'm happy - there's all this snow outside :) I built a snowman on my dad's car and he was not amused. I went shopping yesterday, the chip shop up town is so cheap :o I was shocked. But you get so much. And I sat down in the park next to the castle, wet arse from the snow eating chips, feeding the seagulls. There were hundreds of them circling me. It was nice. Then I walked to Liam's house and saw him for the first time in weeks, he ended sleeping over mine. So random lol we watched two series of the Peep Show and ate pizza.

Is talking to yourself a sign of happiness? Literally though, I could be going mad, but I just like talk to the cars going past on the road.... when no one else is there. I was chuffing that I was walking and they were driving, with their fat arses :) lol I think i'm just a bit excited about stuff. hmmmm. Dunno :)

Another thought...

I reeeallly really don't want to go driving today =/ surely Bilbo won't want me to drive on the icy snowy stuff, when there are experienced drivers slipping all over it anyway....hope not. I wanna go to Cardiff today. Need to buy more presents...=/

well anyway, yeah. Um that's it yeah :)

Bye byeee!!
