Sunday 2 August 2009

A Dream

I wanted to record down this dream in a blog because I thought it was well weird.

It reminds me of Torchwood, and that's kinda cool.

So, yeah it was set in real places but they were connected somehow oddly. What I mean by this is that there was a place that reminded me more of Queen St. in Cardiff, but down the road from there was St. Cenydd....

But that isn't the point.

It included a fair-few people from school; I was cleaning this road with John, Liam, Trev and Lewis, getting laughed at several times by Rubers. That was just the first day, and it seems to be quite realistic. Not quite the usual dream for me, but not that interesting.
It was the next day that things became interesting. We slept in this place on the road that reminded me of Cardiff, yeah. By the way, is that weird to dream of sleeping in a dream....?

And, yeah so in the next morning, I got up earlier, walked to the school and back, and Xanthe said that Adam had gone missing.... I don't quite know why I needed to know or anything. It just happened. I didn't think much of it at the time. Continuing my walk back to where we had slept I found Lewis, and John etc. just outside a newsagents shop. The strange thing was that whenever they stood under a cloud's shadow they would freeze ... completely ... until the cloud passed over.

So this phenomenon was showed to others and Xanthe planned to go out and search for Adam, because perhaps the same thing was happening to him.

And then, I woke up .... but the torchwoodesqueness of the dream enthralled me :)

Sorry, this blog is a bit pointless, but well the dream is without an ending. What is the clouds doing?!

Blog over
