Friday 18 December 2009

Really quite pissed off at the moment ;[

People make plans, they might make those plans without you. I don't mind. There's stuff I might have to do, and everyone has different groups of friends to hang around with. It'd be weird, being there all the time. I prefer hanging out with different people on a day-to-day basis. Apart from like John. John is the best friend I could ever have because he keeps calm about things, and he doesn't mess around with your head. He knows exactly what I like, and he lets me talk about it. He can annoy me but I just forget about it so easily. I can't sulk with John, because I prefer to talk to him so much. He doesn't go on about things that may or may not happen in the future. He keeps to the present where we can talk as normal and its fun. Its amazing. He's my best friend and he always has been and I hope university won't change that.
But anyway, people have plans yeah and they don't always invite you, and that's fine.
But what isn't fine is having them rub it in your face when they're supposed to be your friend, when they're supposed to care about your fucking feelings. And then when you tell them what you think of them, they switch the argument around to make it sound like its your fault. So childish. These kind of people can fuck off.
Apparently they don't want me there so what's the point in me making any effort.

That feels kind of better. Anyway, just thinking about the last few days:

- I passed my theory test on Tuesday morning =] Had to be up in Cardiff at 8 (i.e. stupid o'clock) :-| to have my test. I actually got there about half an hour early. By quarter past 8, I had passed and then I wandered aimlessly around the shops, which hadn't opened yet. When they finally did, I bought a couple of Christmas presents. Got a DVD for my sister, and that  map of Europe for Phil. And I got a book of Qi for myself. Which is an enjoyable read =]

- Wednesday, um. John had his 'operation' lol. I didn't give in my individual investigation. And after school I went to see 'The Box' in the cinema with Sarah, Xanthe and Beth =] and actually finally got to go in Sarah's car to McDonalds =] ... Although I wouldn't advise the film particularly; it was alright, bit haphazard.

- And the Panto yesterday was absolutely fabulous =] I loved the dancing to I Gotta Feeling!

- And yeah, today had a lie-in, and started writing this blog. Shall be going bowling later.

That's the limit of my thinking for the mo. So yeah tra


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Karan's Prom....

Are any of you actually going to that? Or is there no reason for me to listen to Karan go on about it...?


Sunday 13 December 2009

Poetic Voyages

The Elephant

The elephant stomps in the zoo,
The elephant is grey and blue,
The elephants trumpets at you.

The elephant knocks down the wall,
The elephant is very tall,
The elephant scared them all!

Gwyn Llewellyn (8)
Hendre Junior School

There you go Xanthe =]


The Lion

In African trees a female lies,
Awaiting for prey that suffers and dies.
King of the jungle has a perfect size.

A lion and tiger a bloodthirsty chase,
The pride takes an ambush at the end of the race.
The fierce cat has a ferocious face.

As hunters approach the cat takes a bite,
They run at the beast with a brainstorming fight.
The lion's outnumbered at the time it is night.

Timothy Howells (8)
Hendre Junior School
