Friday 5 June 2009

What Is Blogging?

I've often wondered over the course of this evening what is the meaning of blogging. Is it an internet diary people assume won't be read and so they write as truthfully (and perhaps as hurtfully) as they wish or is it simply meant to be used to portray your ideas in a way in which [you hope] someone will pay attention? It is a conundrum.

At best, it is a place where people can express their ramblings and views - it is good in that way; my inner-ramblings go on for hours...blogger is how to clear your mind, so to speak.

Well, anyway, that's my blogging ventures satisfied for tonight. I shall be off to bed - need to pack for the weekend [but really can't be arsed]


p.s I feel kinda weird I have no multitudes of thoughts and feelings with which to express ... is it normal for a person to realise more things about other people rather than themselves? I think so, but this lack of understanding of myself annoys me extremely