Friday 8 January 2010

Yes, we are still buried in a snow drift.

Hello, and welcome to the enrichment centre.

Have you ever been listening to your mp3, ipod, whatever. And then you find a song you've never seen there before...
Happened to me yesterday - was pretty weird. Found this song The Device Has Been Modified by the Victims of Science. Tis an odd song. I liked it the first time, and then it just gets on your nerves. Its got edited robotic voices that get annoying very quickly. 

So yeah, anyway its bloody freezing isn't it? :| There's all this snow. It has been fun; played sledding down my street (: almost got run over by Gareth as he was driving up the street. He is stupid driving on the snow though. I hate people ruining the snow. One of my neighbours, this miserable old man, was sweeping up all the snow >;/ while we were sledding on it! How boring is that Mr. Boringface! Hmph.
I didn't play sledding for long though. Went inside after my right hand was just freeeezing - I was using it to steer the sled.

That was Wednesday. Thursday, no school (: Had a reasonable lie-in, and then spent the  afternoon with Angharad and Chloe. Went out to town, didn't really do much in the way of shopping though, except buying a Chinese. Which was great, best Chinese I've had in ages :P I like the one in town. Its not as expensive as the Chinese in Castle View. Better value for money. Also, the chip shop in town is amazing! You can get so much nice fatty food (:

So I ended up with glitter all over my face. People were giving me funny looks....
The glitter was fine, but I do not like lipstick :| ...

Now it is Friday, just realised I have 12 days until my first exam. =/ I've History on the 20th. Its the Britain sources exam. And I'm not looking forward to it. So instead of doing any playing in the snow, I'm going to shut myself up in the house, and I might actually look at some old work...if I can find it.

So yeah, also, I am annoyed that the post won't get up and running ;[ I want my new phone. Grrrr.

Also, I have no lovely snowy videos like Xanthe =/ but here's a picture of Ronald, the snowman I put on my dad's car (:

Bye (:


Tuesday 5 January 2010

A Crap Response To Xanthe's Demand. Be Pleased.

So he said, "Would it be all right if we just sat and talked for a little while, if in exchange for your time I give you this smile?"
So she said, "That's okay, as long as you can make a promise not to break my little heart or leave me all alone in the summer."

I've just realised I love Panic! At The Disco, yes (:

As for New year's - It wasn't the best night of the year or decade ever to be quite honest. I had stuff to do all the week up to New Year's and nothing to do on the night.
I watched this shit film, The Killing Room, with my mum and Gareth. Twas shit.
Joined in with the facebook countdown. Didn't feel like watching it on the tv. Or rather I preferred to stay seated, and lazy and whatnot (:

Watched The Invention of Lying in bed; I love Ricky Gervais. He is fabulous. I can see why he's not exactly the comedian that anyone can love, because he has a very definite style about him that people can just hate. Yes Ricky = Marmite. I think even the name is like marmite. I hate the name Ricky =/ sounds like a bastard's name.
Walk down the street, someone behind you goes, 'ohh Ricky!'

I'd be like 'shit', look down and walk faster. Chavs, scary. I hate walking through Treccy, down to the end of First Avenue, where all the houses look like they've been burned down 6 times... and all the people look like they haven't stabbed enough people today. I went past there in the snow to walk to town. Its definitely one of the biggest risks I'm going to take.

So far, this year I've been entirely obsessed by films. I watched Pulp Fiction which was amazing (: I love Samuel L Jackson, and i love that you have to say the 'L' in his name because if you don't it sounds wrong.

Gwyn L Llewellyn. oooo yeah ;]

So yeah the explosions were exciting in that. And I watched The Crow yesterday. Twas so sad but it was good yeah.

Films, films...sorry this is a boring blog really. I have no spectacular news to broadcast.
Bewis :L

But seriously, then again, I don't enjoy the drama blogs..
just saying like. I prefer the story blogs

Like Chloe's Portugal blog thing (:

By the way, what are you, Xanthe, thinking about the blogger awards?

mhm...really can't think of anything to say....yeah..

Bye bye.
