Wednesday 7 October 2009

'dont think just write'

What to do, to escape from the 'contrived' blogs I've apparently been doing.

No thinking, I think too much during writing? Do I?

Never actually thought about that. How ironic :)

There's not much I'm thinking of at the moment. I'm scared to think of a problem because Xanthe'll want me to sort it out then :|
I'm in such a lazy mood at the moment I feel, like I just can't be arsed to sort out anything...when I constantly have the luxury of so much free time. What's the problem there? Do I need drugs? Not that that'll help at all. No no no. Drugs are very naughty :)
Apparently the society is using them too much to try to solve simple things like sadness, where the need isn't very important. Yes, watch 'It's Only A Theory' on iplayer :) Its fabulous - with both Reginald D Hunter AND Andy Hamilton =D

That was certainly the highlight of my evening watching that, because I'm just obsessed with the iplayer, en ce moment.

And apart from that, well I'm annoyed at Bit torrent for messing up my download.... Tried downloading 28 Days Later, because it's great and I wanted to watch it for the 2nd time :) but apparently not, Bit torrent decides to ruin it for me. You know, they've now decided to create a sequel to 28 Weeks Later, quite obviously, 28 Months Later (Where will this end?). So yeah, new film building on the end of the prequel where the deadly Rage virus ends up next to the Eiffel Tower. Isn't that surprising? :)
So more death and destruction in my favourite post-apocalyptic film series to date. However, the director did state 'the film is not a science fiction horror film but rather a drama in that environment'.

Now, isn't that interesting? Reminds me of the Big Brother with the zombies, so exciting =]

Well, anyway. On the film perspective, I really want to see Ricky Gervais' new film =] looks fun
A world without lying. Good as a comedy but I couldn't deal with it in real life. =/
I mean, where are the advantages in a world with only truth? Please enlighten me. I have no idea.

The politicians would be hilarious. Even more so than usual. Like Stanley Baldwin just before World War Two. He pretty much told the British public that if Britain was bombed there was fuck-all he could do about it =] that's just the most inspiring speech possible. Love it.

Right so, just so you know I've been listening to Muse throughout the whole writing of this blah blah blog...
trying in vain to find a big word to use there.

Maybe in the upcoming envisioned blog I shall think of enticingly big words. =]

Anyway, Gwyn is y'off

Nos da x


Monday 5 October 2009



You choose.

oooo and by the way, what are the feelings on the new Mika album?

I love Blame It On The Girls, and I See You. They're epic! =]

Yes, Gwyn is feeling moderately random and quite happy today; not in a thinking mood, however. So blog over.
