Friday 11 December 2009

Ter Sami and Jigalong =]

This shall be prior to the blog on my poem, as I wish to keep some things in my head :)

We were talking about languages yesterday, were we not? Xanthe takes everything seriously. I was only saying stuff on Wikipedia =/ maybe a bit mockingly. Or something. I was told to stop talking about it. But I shall not! Well, I want to talk about dying languages. =]

Can you imagine speaking a language where's there's only one other person in the entire world that completely understands you? It must be pretty weird. In the Kola Peninsular:

Kola Peninsular is here.

...2 people speak Ter Sami. A language with such a small population and without any actual writing systems or educational facilities has little hope of being revived. =/

Of the original eleven Sami languages, only 9 continue to exist, probably soon to become 8.

I think we're quite lucky to have revived Welsh before it actually died out. Welsh is spoken by 0.014% of the world. Isn't that like amazing?!?! :P

And now onto this place in Australia =] Are you excited by a place called Jigalong?

I am.

Interesting fact you may not know about Jigalong :P

The community starred as part of the Australia drama film, Rabbit-Proof Fence. The film features the struggles of Aborigines in Australia due to the persecutions from the Whites.

File:Rabbit-Proof Fence movie poster.jpg


Wednesday 9 December 2009

Fitting you with weapons in the form of words.

Oh, 3 2 1
We go live...

Are all the good times getting gone?
They come and go and go and come and go

When I got cold

And the charts are boring


Only one more thing and that is the rest of the proof
is on the television, on the...

We're the new face of failure.

The real bombshells have already sunk

I can't explain a thing
I want everything
To change and stay the same on top

I'm just such a happy mess, whoa

So just let me be

We must make it hard to look so easy
Doin' something so hard

But I digress

I only keep myself this sick in the head,
'Cause I know how the words get you.

This conversation's been dead on arrival =/ ....


Tuesday 8 December 2009

Do ants even have discrimination?

I was looking up reciprocity in evolution, where life evolves in one way or another to cooperate, to work together. You could say that this would lead to a species without discrimination. In that case, how did humanity get to where we are. We have the capacity to ponder upon the origins of cooperation and to establish rights to everyone, in that we must treat everyone justly, but we are the worst at delivering fair rights to anything. Are big brains good then?

Whereas, you look at ants. They exist in societies that match ours, and even surpass ours in organisation. They have to live with total obedience but they get the work done. They live without discrimination, unless black ants and red ants really don't get on. I'm not sure.

Tis interesting =]
