Friday 31 July 2009

My Mind Is Constantly Thinking Of Food.....

...mmmm Galaxy...


So as I commented on Beth's blog, music doesn't affect my blogging, that is while I am writing. Before or during making my blog, if I stop I'll be reduced to non-typing. I mean who can't get involved with Bohemian Rhapsody when its on. No one!

I'm not going to bother with the whole 'documenting your music as you type'. Too much effort involved, and I must type out a blog much slower than the majority of peoples. Many songs go past as I type like one paragraph. What is it, like - you type the first thing that comes to your mind without actually checking spelling etc?

Holiday boredom has seemed to be ubiquitous this week. I mean, seriously, I need to do something other than sleep, eat (barely) and read, although now I've finished my book on Genghis Khan I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!

Well, actually I do mean to look up stuff on YouTube to learn keyboard still. Learned the start of Hoppipolla which I've meant to do for ages, so I guess that's one accomplishment

Not meaning to be querulous, but I am bored of looking up words with [kew] in them.

Ohh, I have got the driving computer test to do...
That's top of the list...can't wait to learn how to drive. My dad said he'd pay for the driving lessons for my birthday as long as I sorted it out...not really thinking about actually getting a car though. What about you? Anyone have a car yet? Apart from Chloe and Sarah?

Well, actually one good thing did happen this week - went to see Harry Potter with Carrie. I thought it was an unmitigated enjoyment compared to the 5th film. Although what's your opinion on the death of Dumbledore. I'm not sure it was portrayed as sadly as it was in the book. Hmm....

Also, I commend Nando's for its yumminess. =)

So, yeah, out of inspiration
Blog Over
