Thursday 22 July 2010

Probably the last blog I'll write as a seventeen year old :o

This here is my half century blog. I should have realised this earlier, and there wouldn't have been two weeks of absolutely nothing being blogged :P
You all fail, also.

Anyway, do I want to update you on my day today? Of course I do; my days are amazing, each with excitement that goes beyond normality! =]

Well, today I've started driving again... after months of not doing anything. It was mixed, as I spent half the time acting like a sensible qualified driver, and the other half was just horrible, with stupid little mistakes. -.- Never mind though, it will be easy to fix. I can see the end in sight, and maybe sometime by the end of these holidays I'll be able to drive mine own car! Bill has told me to tell John off because appears to have given up on driving...

Anyway, today I had my first rejection for employment. I shall blame the government - its their fault I am drain on the nation.
So Lidl does not want me. Ugh! What could they possibly be looking for in workers... Surely it can't be that difficult to catch on.. Never mind.

And then today I watched Bitch Slap which I thought was immense! The story was amazing, the action was astounding, the ending so surprising. Yes, a film worthy of watching :P

Today, I was supposed to go to the cinema with Phil to watch Inception; however, due to my lack of phone I could not contact him. Now I have found my old Sony Ericsson, which I intend to use until I get birthday money, to buy a new phone, but he will not reply -.- Irritated. I may be better off just going to watch it next Wednesday - if that is what we are still all doing? I am excited about a film for once; I haven't been to the cinema in a long time...
Hmmm..... no I can't remember the last cinema film I watched.

How much time do you put towards a blog before you just get bored of yourself? I haven't lasted very long today at all. I have no inspiration. Ugh!

Ok , that's just a fail. Ignore all the previous parts of the blog. On Monday, I shall be eighteen. I shall be grown up. I will suddenly have manly thoughts - I'm sure you'll all notice it. I will be doing all them man things, talking about dirt and engines and lingerie constantly =]
I'm quite happy with my birthday already to be honest. Its been the best run-up to the 26th of July in my memory. My parties always tended to fail abysmally, generally just being paltry family affairs, or if I was lucky I'd get John to come and go bowling with me. Not this year! :D I am impressed with myself for getting a camping trip together, and tomorrow we have Rob's birthday barbecue party to go to. And then to top it all, Angharad's taking me to the comedy festival in Cardiff on my actual birthday. I am so excited xD
Ohh, and there is always the Big Cheese to enjoy, but I have that around my birthday every year, so its not all that impressive. Maybe someone will go on Vertigo with me this year? The only person that ever has was one of lewis' cadet friends, two years ago. That was random! People are all wusses though; Vertigo is not scary at all. It goes up high; it is exciting.

Anyway, I feel that I should do a country-specific blog again in the future. I cannot talk about myself very well at all. I can talk about myself in my own head, but not on here. Although actually, it may be because the music is too loud. In any case I feel like rounding this blog off. It is awfully small and unimpressive, so I apologise profusely.

I love you, all those who reside on Blogger! =] xxx

And now I shall be off to sort and clean, and dabble a bit in reading perhaps. The internet's been particularly quiet this evening.
