Sunday 31 January 2010

A Party To End The Month With.

Thanks for the glasses Sarah :] lol

Suits me. x]

So yeah, to relieve ourselves of all the stress exams brought upon us we needed to go wreck Rob's house again and get scared by Cleo, who poses as a nice dog and then bites your hand off :'(

Well, Cleo doesn't like me, but ha no problem with Carrie, I seem to remember her saying.

So we arrived, I walked through the door twice again. There seems to be a problem in Rob's out in that I always have to walk through the door twice - I forget to take my shoes off.

I love it that we've had enough parties at Rob's that we must keep up traditions at his parties now =]

I always end up sitting on the floor, and under the table. And I have a nice chat with Rob's dad about Meg and Cleo.

We didn't get to play Air Hockey this time though :( Rob, you really need to get the car out of the goal thing.

I do applaud Rob on the lovely designed Kit Kats and other chocolates. I reeeally didn't want to move them, but we did anyway. I was starving. I enjoyed laughing at Carrie's attempts at eating hot pizza =]

So yeah, more people arrived and after an hour people were drunk enough to dance wildly in the living room. I was talking to Ross at the time, and he told me that Sarah scared him too lol. That was when we were sitting on the sofa and she fell on us. Silly Sarah.

There was also the point where Sarah compared Adam to something from the 1940s? And then she laughed hysterically..

The last encounter with Sarah was where she lured me to the alleyway :| and then well, you all know what happened next..
After that I set out to drink far too much, although I didn't mix anything so I wasn't sick.

There was much dancing apparently though I can't remember much of it..
And I had had enough partying at some point so I went to sleep on the sofa. Woke up to find Lewis staring at me, there was a penis drawn on my face. Thanks (Y)

Then stuff happened and we went home eventually. I seem to remember more people turning up very late. Pointless, but yeah.

Ben gave me Trainspotting because we had been talking about it (:

The walk home really sobered me up, but I still forgot to lock the door, and I got shouted at :/

And those were Gwyn's memories...

