Sunday 26 September 2010

I'm in Swansea too!

So now under the curious glances of my flat-mates, I dare to write a blog about my comings and goings throughout Swansea.

I think I've come across as the freak of corridor 180* (not cupboard 180). There's 7 of us living here, and I've definitely been the one who's kept himself to himself so far. They must also think I'm quite geeky, as I've spent a lot of time on my laptop (which has internet for the first time ever! :D so I am excusing myself).

I don't worry about it though because this is just the way I act when I'm at home; I like time to myself. They'll just have to learn to live with me, and it can't be that hard because I'm pretty quiet, I don't demand much kitchen time and I'm pretty determined to get a good cleaning schedule going!

Anyway - them:

  • Matteo Giliotti

He's a cool curly haired guy from London; and he's doing Classical Civilization, the closest course to mine of people on my corridor. I spent time with him yesterday discussing various things as we were attempting to fix my laptop. I feel that he's the most like me as well, not just because he likes history (he likes the Greek stories, and he's done a course in Latin before! :o but he didn't learn anything =/) but because he seems a bit more apprehensive about everything. Although nothing compared to me, really.

  • Amy Marshall

Amy reminds me of Bethan Lintern (in my Geography class of this year, and my French class of the year before). She has the same kind of personality and attitude and whatnot. I haven't really made much conversation with her so far. She seems pretty nice though. And ooh, she's from Worcestershire...

  • Ben Granville

Ben definitely thinks I'm weird... He seems a lot more outgoing than me, and whenever I do strike up a conversation myself I think I bore him. Then again I don't strike up them conversations an awful lot... Never the mind. I hope to make more of an impact on all my corridor-mates in the next few months. I'd like to be the geek, but more of a talkative geek. Yes :) 
Anyway, Ben is going to be going to the zoology lectures (I just remembered that Amy is also doing that!), which sounds interesting. I haven't heard him talking about it though...

  • Jessica Milsom

She was the first person I met yesterday. She was the last person to get here as well, and I had an amazing conversation with her dad. She's seems cool, quite a bit girly - she brought pink cutlery! Although that is practical because no one can mistake it for someone else's. She also seems pretty smart, actually amazingly smart. Similar to Karan, although I haven't felt irritated by her conversation. She lets me speak too :) And she's doing Economics, I believe...
And she's from Llantwit Major.

  • Pete Edwards

Pete seems to definitely be the most outgoing of the corridor... He went gallivanting on both Friday and Saturday, and I've barely seen him properly. And at the present time, I have no idea what course he's doing. 
I'll have to make updates on his life later...

  • And last but not least, Hannah Marriot

Hannah I've learnt a lot about - well I've learnt a lot about her boyfriend anyway - she's a rather talkative girl. But there's nothing bad in that, she makes conversation well. Yeah, her boyfriend's in Cardiff at the moment, I believe visiting some of his mates and he was supposed to come down yesterday, but :O he did not! 
She's going to be doing law, she broke her phone a few weeks ago... and yeah she's talked about a lot of things I'll not be listing down. 

So yeah, there's my fellows... but last night - my first freshers' night I didn't spend much time with them. We were playing card games in the kitchen, and Ben had invited like all the neighbours. There was 15 of crammed around a table! And yeah, then I had a text of Sarah, so off I went at about 10 to the Student Union, the queue was horrific. I had a few fleeting conversations with this huge guy from Port Talbot, with an amazing Welsh accent, and this American girl who was from Maryland - she explained how the weather was different in Maryland compared to Arizona :) ... Eventually, I managed to get in (just after seeing Adam come out of the club :o which was shocking!)
I got into the Union at about 12... And danced a bit, met this guy called Chris who will also be doing Ancient History :D and then by 1 I was walking back home. I didn't find it very interesting to be honest.

Next time my corridor-mates go to town, I shall be joining them. I've heard off of them and Swaran that the frivolities of actual Swansea are amazing. So yes, that is my plan.

Now I must make myself known because I've spent the last hour writing this, and they've probably forgotten my name.
I've been nicknamed Glen, Ewan, Gwyneth and Three-Beer James (:s) already!

Gwyn says Bye! :D