Wednesday 22 July 2009

Gwyn wants 50 random questions too!

1. Spell your name as it sounds: Gwin

2. Are you a worrier? Generally, yes .... about every bloody thing .... until I just switch myself off

3. What’s your favorite CD? Hmm, Eurovision CD 1

4. Favourite colour(s)? Green, followed closely by Purple

5. Does your home have an attic? Yes, my bedroom is in it

6. Have you ever been to Canada? Nope, wouldn't mind though

7. Have you ever gone fishing? Again, nope

8. Have you ever seen a celebrity? None that I can think of

9. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? Once, when i was very young...twas fun :)

10. How much money do you have on you right now? On me, I have £1.88

11. How many cars have you owned? Nada

12. How many jobs have you had? Volunteer work and Work experience count?

13. How tall are you? 5′10.5″

14. Last person to call you: Phil

15. Last thing you yelled out loud: Urrm, I have no idea ... I don't shout in many situations

16. Last person you were in a car with: My mother, and sister

17. Last time you ate at McDonald’s: Saturday, with John and Amy

18. Last thing you bought: A ticket for the bus ....

19. Last person you saw: My mother

20. Last time you cried: I don't! :P well, I do sometimes - last year

21. Last thing you watched on television: I watched Bourne: Ultimatum today. That should count

22. What is the temperature outside? Errmmm, I'm not a bloody thermometer, and I'm not gonna check Google Earth! Its cold, middle of the night and all tha

23. What time of the day did you get married? I haven't got married ....

24. What did you do two nights ago? What day was that? Ok, this is Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. So two nights ago was Sunday night/Monday morning

I was in bed listening to my mp3 - Old Harry's Game. Its a very good show =D

25. Who’s birthday is coming up next? MINE =D on Sunday

26. What time did you go to bed last night? 2am, I think

27. What was the first thing you thought this morning? I need to wake up, it was 25 to 1 in the afternoon

28. What are your plans for this weekend? Big Cheese, and Rob's party

29. Lemonade or iced tea? Lemonade. Iced Tea bleurgh!

30. What do you dislike at this moment? My ankles and knees hurt from sitting on this chair, and Phil because his computer won't connect to mine properly for AoE lmao we're sad

31. What did you dream about last night? Errm, well it was a good dream, I know, but I forgot....

32. What’s the last animal you saw? My cat

33. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Well, I love my watch :-)

34. Are you a dancer? Yeah, headbanging all the way :P

35. Have you ever cut your own hair? Nope

36. What is your favorite treat? Errm, weird question. I don't know. Food-wise? Cod and chips smothered in tartare sauce :P

37. How many piercings/tattoos do you have? None, and I don't want any

38. Where’s your favorite place to be? In the park opposite Caerphilly Castle, the same bench, with Greggs food to eat. Prefer to be alone there though

39. Is there someone you haven’t seen in a while and miss? Yeah, haven't seen many people from school in days, except John and Phil. :-(

40. Who was the last text you sent to? Phil

41. Do you care what strangers think about you? Stupidly, I guess so. I think more about what randomers are thinking than my what friends or family are, yeah

42. Last person you talked to on Instant Messenger: Kays

43. Last person to make you cry: Can't think of anyone making me cry exactly. It wasn't Uncles John's fault he died :/

44. Who can you tell anything to? Phil, and well I tell most people just stuff. I don't have too many secrets

45. What are you doing tomorrow? Well, today after waking up I don't know if I'm doing much. Haven't planned anything until Thursday

46. Do you have alcohol in your home? I have the one bottle of cider in my mini fridge, keeping it for some random evening lol

47. Do you like ketchup? C'est bon

48. Do you think you will be on a vacation this summer? HOLIDAY! I aint bloody American. And well my dad is taking me and my sister to a caravan again

49. What colour is your bedroom? Its boring lol

50. Do you wear a bikini at the beach? Occasionally ;) lmao noooo! what the hell is this