Friday 15 October 2010

My flat.

There's a few things in my flat, so here now I have decided to blog about these things.

I've been meaning to this blog for ages but I kept forgetting to take my camera out to do the pictures. But never the mind! I have done it now :D

Well yes I have a kitchen:

As you can see, its surprisingly clean here :D

Not anymore.... =/ the bowels just love to pile up, and nobody ever dries their dishes and whatnot. It gets impossible to cook because of the great pile of dirty washing. Yay.

And here you see Matteo posing in the sitting down area of the kitchen:

Its not his usual pose, which is where he stares wistfully into the distance, even in his room where there is no distance to the wall. Behind Matteo, you can see our makeshift sofa, The Times upon it; you can see the mop I danced with in an earlier night next to the blue chair (which they STOLE out of my bedroom! -.-); you can also see me taking the photo in the very reflective window. 

So that's enough of the kitchen. If you walk towards Matt and then turn right you won't go'll look through the window that stares into the forest. If you turn left however you'll be able to walk down the corridor that goes past my bedroom!

There's Jess in the corridor. There's not an awful lot to comment on in the corridor. Urm - don't break the fire extinguisher! It costs a lot of money apparently.

So now I turn leftways once more.

And oh! look, I've found my room! :D Ben did not approve of my putting up of the Welsh flag, but muhahahaha!

I hope that gives you an idea of the conditions I'm living in. :) I do like it! And now I shall end this blog, as it is late...

Night, all you strangers of Swansea, and Sarah


Sunday 26 September 2010

I'm in Swansea too!

So now under the curious glances of my flat-mates, I dare to write a blog about my comings and goings throughout Swansea.

I think I've come across as the freak of corridor 180* (not cupboard 180). There's 7 of us living here, and I've definitely been the one who's kept himself to himself so far. They must also think I'm quite geeky, as I've spent a lot of time on my laptop (which has internet for the first time ever! :D so I am excusing myself).

I don't worry about it though because this is just the way I act when I'm at home; I like time to myself. They'll just have to learn to live with me, and it can't be that hard because I'm pretty quiet, I don't demand much kitchen time and I'm pretty determined to get a good cleaning schedule going!

Anyway - them:

  • Matteo Giliotti

He's a cool curly haired guy from London; and he's doing Classical Civilization, the closest course to mine of people on my corridor. I spent time with him yesterday discussing various things as we were attempting to fix my laptop. I feel that he's the most like me as well, not just because he likes history (he likes the Greek stories, and he's done a course in Latin before! :o but he didn't learn anything =/) but because he seems a bit more apprehensive about everything. Although nothing compared to me, really.

  • Amy Marshall

Amy reminds me of Bethan Lintern (in my Geography class of this year, and my French class of the year before). She has the same kind of personality and attitude and whatnot. I haven't really made much conversation with her so far. She seems pretty nice though. And ooh, she's from Worcestershire...

  • Ben Granville

Ben definitely thinks I'm weird... He seems a lot more outgoing than me, and whenever I do strike up a conversation myself I think I bore him. Then again I don't strike up them conversations an awful lot... Never the mind. I hope to make more of an impact on all my corridor-mates in the next few months. I'd like to be the geek, but more of a talkative geek. Yes :) 
Anyway, Ben is going to be going to the zoology lectures (I just remembered that Amy is also doing that!), which sounds interesting. I haven't heard him talking about it though...

  • Jessica Milsom

She was the first person I met yesterday. She was the last person to get here as well, and I had an amazing conversation with her dad. She's seems cool, quite a bit girly - she brought pink cutlery! Although that is practical because no one can mistake it for someone else's. She also seems pretty smart, actually amazingly smart. Similar to Karan, although I haven't felt irritated by her conversation. She lets me speak too :) And she's doing Economics, I believe...
And she's from Llantwit Major.

  • Pete Edwards

Pete seems to definitely be the most outgoing of the corridor... He went gallivanting on both Friday and Saturday, and I've barely seen him properly. And at the present time, I have no idea what course he's doing. 
I'll have to make updates on his life later...

  • And last but not least, Hannah Marriot

Hannah I've learnt a lot about - well I've learnt a lot about her boyfriend anyway - she's a rather talkative girl. But there's nothing bad in that, she makes conversation well. Yeah, her boyfriend's in Cardiff at the moment, I believe visiting some of his mates and he was supposed to come down yesterday, but :O he did not! 
She's going to be doing law, she broke her phone a few weeks ago... and yeah she's talked about a lot of things I'll not be listing down. 

So yeah, there's my fellows... but last night - my first freshers' night I didn't spend much time with them. We were playing card games in the kitchen, and Ben had invited like all the neighbours. There was 15 of crammed around a table! And yeah, then I had a text of Sarah, so off I went at about 10 to the Student Union, the queue was horrific. I had a few fleeting conversations with this huge guy from Port Talbot, with an amazing Welsh accent, and this American girl who was from Maryland - she explained how the weather was different in Maryland compared to Arizona :) ... Eventually, I managed to get in (just after seeing Adam come out of the club :o which was shocking!)
I got into the Union at about 12... And danced a bit, met this guy called Chris who will also be doing Ancient History :D and then by 1 I was walking back home. I didn't find it very interesting to be honest.

Next time my corridor-mates go to town, I shall be joining them. I've heard off of them and Swaran that the frivolities of actual Swansea are amazing. So yes, that is my plan.

Now I must make myself known because I've spent the last hour writing this, and they've probably forgotten my name.
I've been nicknamed Glen, Ewan, Gwyneth and Three-Beer James (:s) already!

Gwyn says Bye! :D

Friday 3 September 2010

At least I'm not going to Glamorgan ;D

So this is it! Well, there's, what, three weeks left until I bugger off to Swansea, but really all of 'it' has happened and now I feel like everything's moved away.

I've been having these sad moments in bursts for quite a while, I keep thinking 'well that'll be the last time I see them then/last time I walk around here'.

I'm losing people and I'm losing Caerphilly... I mean I hope you all know how much I will miss you. But Caerphilly doesn't know because it has no ears =[

I shall miss the walks around, the mountain, the shops that always suited my simple needs, the pubs, the chavvy bits and the posh bits. I'll miss sitting outside the castle to read books, eating Greggs or Subway.

I mean I can do all the typical things I've done for years when I'm older, but it won't be the same... I'm not sure I can really have the same thing in Swansea. Swansea is so much bigger than Caerphilly!

Anyway, I'm positive - I'm happy and well, I'm shocked I didn't write a blog about my results :o

Well yeah, I had Cs in History and Geography and the Welsh Bacc... could've done better in History if I'd applied myself in the coursework, but nay... it was irritating coursework. Swansea liked me anyway so Yay! :D

I'm going to be living in cupboard 180 in the student village in Swansea....although apparently it's a particularly  rough area (in a place called Sketty - I thought it sounded quite rough..). This will be fun! Then again, do chavs usually associate themselves with students? I would say they're two different ways of life... I mean, for example, one time when I was wandering around Caerphilly on my lonesome I was accosted by four of these chav-types. They wanted to know my sexuality due to my extremely long hair. I informed them that my hair had no bearing on my preferred sexuality, although I assured them I would get my hair cut soon (I didn't). After going through that they asked me whether I was in college. I said, 'Not at all! I am hopefully going to be attending the University at Swansea, to do History'. (I thought if I used my entire course name, I would be punched sooner than later)
I went into some detail about universities and general education, and it kept them quiet for a while. They must have been thoroughly interested and therefore I can conclude that chavs are so astounded by student conversation that they are unable to talk. Therefore, they don't mix sadly =/

Anyway, yes cupboard 180! What I can't wait for is squishing the crap I own into a tiny room, and after a week deciding to throw it out. Who needs a bed? The ground's comfortable enough =]

Also, there's cooking to learn...

And lectures about Ancient History! :D

I hope I can get some internet on my laptop! It hasn't been working since I got it on my birthday..

And I can't wait to vandalise Sarah's house! =] Unless of course its far away from the village, in which case, ugh!
The village is two miles away from the university which is alright; I always walked from my dad's which is two miles away from the school, but its 5 miles away from actual Swansea, which just takes the piss to be honest  -.-

And I've got a few other thoughts about university, but I've run out of typing energy. Soz


Thursday 22 July 2010

Probably the last blog I'll write as a seventeen year old :o

This here is my half century blog. I should have realised this earlier, and there wouldn't have been two weeks of absolutely nothing being blogged :P
You all fail, also.

Anyway, do I want to update you on my day today? Of course I do; my days are amazing, each with excitement that goes beyond normality! =]

Well, today I've started driving again... after months of not doing anything. It was mixed, as I spent half the time acting like a sensible qualified driver, and the other half was just horrible, with stupid little mistakes. -.- Never mind though, it will be easy to fix. I can see the end in sight, and maybe sometime by the end of these holidays I'll be able to drive mine own car! Bill has told me to tell John off because appears to have given up on driving...

Anyway, today I had my first rejection for employment. I shall blame the government - its their fault I am drain on the nation.
So Lidl does not want me. Ugh! What could they possibly be looking for in workers... Surely it can't be that difficult to catch on.. Never mind.

And then today I watched Bitch Slap which I thought was immense! The story was amazing, the action was astounding, the ending so surprising. Yes, a film worthy of watching :P

Today, I was supposed to go to the cinema with Phil to watch Inception; however, due to my lack of phone I could not contact him. Now I have found my old Sony Ericsson, which I intend to use until I get birthday money, to buy a new phone, but he will not reply -.- Irritated. I may be better off just going to watch it next Wednesday - if that is what we are still all doing? I am excited about a film for once; I haven't been to the cinema in a long time...
Hmmm..... no I can't remember the last cinema film I watched.

How much time do you put towards a blog before you just get bored of yourself? I haven't lasted very long today at all. I have no inspiration. Ugh!

Ok , that's just a fail. Ignore all the previous parts of the blog. On Monday, I shall be eighteen. I shall be grown up. I will suddenly have manly thoughts - I'm sure you'll all notice it. I will be doing all them man things, talking about dirt and engines and lingerie constantly =]
I'm quite happy with my birthday already to be honest. Its been the best run-up to the 26th of July in my memory. My parties always tended to fail abysmally, generally just being paltry family affairs, or if I was lucky I'd get John to come and go bowling with me. Not this year! :D I am impressed with myself for getting a camping trip together, and tomorrow we have Rob's birthday barbecue party to go to. And then to top it all, Angharad's taking me to the comedy festival in Cardiff on my actual birthday. I am so excited xD
Ohh, and there is always the Big Cheese to enjoy, but I have that around my birthday every year, so its not all that impressive. Maybe someone will go on Vertigo with me this year? The only person that ever has was one of lewis' cadet friends, two years ago. That was random! People are all wusses though; Vertigo is not scary at all. It goes up high; it is exciting.

Anyway, I feel that I should do a country-specific blog again in the future. I cannot talk about myself very well at all. I can talk about myself in my own head, but not on here. Although actually, it may be because the music is too loud. In any case I feel like rounding this blog off. It is awfully small and unimpressive, so I apologise profusely.

I love you, all those who reside on Blogger! =] xxx

And now I shall be off to sort and clean, and dabble a bit in reading perhaps. The internet's been particularly quiet this evening.


Thursday 8 July 2010

Your qalking up a steep steep hill, like a tower steep and oh dear your ahoe lace comes undone :O whaf would you do?

:o I would throw away the shoes and manage the rest of the steep steep hill without them. I'm pretty sure I'd be happy enough with my achievement to ignore my bleeding feet xD

Ask me something interesting and philosophical, please? =]

Ohhh, my birthday's soon. I should have made a reference to that =/

Do you ever get to your blog, think well I need to write something relevant to my life, something people will read and wish to comment on, and then you argue with yourself thinking that you can't possibly write that?

Maybe you think its not interesting, or it will only appeal to a small audience, or you know it'll open an irritating can of worms...

Yeah, but then again you can't really say its like me to stop myself from writing a completely pointless blog... I did write an information article on Nepal after all. =]

Never mind. My life can be as interesting as you see it, and really I got myself blogger to write about myself, and then cringe over it when I'm older. I can already do that. Your person does change an awful lot in a year or two.

Anyway, I can't really update you on what I'm doing. It isn't a lot more than what we're all doing... ie. going to play tennis in the park, going to the Rose & Crown. Although, I am surprised no one has mentioned it in a blog yet, considering how much praise we give it while we are there.. :L
Do you agree that we should become pool masters by the end of the holidays if we continue the tradition? =]
Alas, it is probably just a dream.

(Are there words you hate every time you hear them? I mean like odd ones you have little explanation for? Awesome, epic and fail have become much hated words, but I have other ones like gift and alas. Hearing someone say gift I hate just as much as hearing nails dragging on a table.. Its just hissy...)

I will apply for a job. Soon. I feel that if I write this on here and fail to do so I would be lying to myself and all you lovely followers and I would feel bad then.

AHHHH, when you hit a wall on a blog, its time to give up is it not? If I am bored my writing then surely the reader cannot remain interested. However, no because as I discuss with myself the possible thoughts of my readers, then I am increasingly intrigued by the argument. Although this may be my thing. Well no - I'm sure everyone talks to themselves. If they didn't then they would be mad. But did you all go through long periods in your life with no one to talk to at all, but yourself?

I had this interspersedly from year 5 until about year 10. I guess it kind of helps with your understanding on what makes you, yourself, happy. Meh, I don't know. Do you find me difficult to get through to? I generally prefer to discuss a problem with myself, and then leave it at that. I get squeamish at the idea of dragging people down with my problems. Then again, here I am going against that, by telling blogger things that go on in my head. Although I tend to write a blog, with the beginning and end aimed at other people, and then areas in the middle I don't aim to make sense, I guess.

Anyway, I'm missing many school things, especially Phil as I am undeniably deeply and uncontrollably in love with him.

Bye for now! xD Remember to read my future tales!


Friday 18 June 2010

I have written about the Summer, and my party if you would like to read about such things...

I hate Summer, and I hate the monotonousness of people talking about it; it fits in with many of the things I really hate about being on the computer. Although, I'm not going to stop coming on here, and I guess the fact that I'm complaining about what everybody else does on here really does make me a hypocrite :L .... irritating.

Anyway, yes I hate the Summer. I cannot stand heat. I mean, here I am writing a blog at almost 2 o'clock in the morning, and I'm boiling! :o How is that normal?

I hadn't really thought about it until I started talking about Summer, but it really is freaky...

I had a debate with my mum and Gareth earlier, about climate change and whatnot. This was after watching the weather news, which had said that we've had a few really dry months, driest for 30-40 years I think.
So I firmly believe in climate change, not global warming - we all know that's propaganda, at least in geography we do. Sandy (I seem to mention her a lot in my blogs - maybe its a subconscious thing) drummed that into us. Al Gore just wants money!

Look at his greedy face:

Anyway, yes, climate change. I firmly believe in it, and I have done far before I started geography at GCSE. 
So, we had a debate about climate change after I said that the dryness just goes to prove it that little bit more. Gareth thinks everything is normal, and its basically all bullshit. He thinks they'll have a new scare story in 20 years. This is understandable; before they were telling us about global warming they were scared of a global freeze! That was some time in the 50s... 
However, both scare stories - even if they were hyped up by the media - have their scientific backing. The Earth's temperature fluctuates; its going to happen. However, when I use the term 'climate change', I mean to say a quick succession of different weathers. So I argued my point that the weather is acting a little topsy-turvy.
People have been saying, 'Oh, this year proves that everything's back to normal now, and nothing's going to happen'. This is dull. Normality in weather patterns wouldn't go back to normal after one year :S
I really despise the people who deny everything ;/
They just tend to be lazy and/or rich people.

How did I get onto that?

Yes, I hate the Summer. My favourite seasons are Autumn and Winter. I never really care about the rain too much. As long as I have my music, I can walk through rain for hours. You can't do that with a blazing sun... Everything's too hot. And I don't like shorts! Therefore, I am boiling in my jeans. And then when I get inside to try and escape the heat outside, I go up to my attic which collects all the heat of the house I swear!
As I've been trying to revise over the last few weeks (Yes, I must mention work in this blog too) my sheets are strewn all over the floor; my room is a serious mess. This means that I can't open my skylight too far without winds coming in and throwing up all my work. Of course, most of it doesn't matter now =] and my plan of revision for the next geography exam is all on the computer, but it is still irritating.

So, yes I don't like Summer; you might say, 
'But, Gwyn. Your birthday is in the depths of Summer!' 

Summer is the worst time to have a birthday... Everyone was always on holiday on my birthday =/ I've never really had a very successful birthday party, mainly because whenever I had one I only had two friends, one of which was too cheap to bother coming...

Anyway, hopefully this year will be different. The idea has now changed. My mum said I can't have it in Virginia Golf Club, as it's far too expensive. So she said I should have it in the Goodrich on Van Road. I don't think this is concrete yet, but I want to go along with it. Its a smaller venue than Virginia, but I don't think I would really want to fill it up to the brim anyway. My parties should have a theme of being civilised =] I think that was the case at the one last year because Beth and Xanthe couldn't come, most probably :P

See, it was completely sophisticated! =]

I wish I could have another house party =/ 

Anyway, yes - what would you think of Goodrich...? Its different, it should be tried out. It would be earlier than my birthday to make sure its before people go on holidays. 

Well, I've written a lot more than you'll probably care to read, so I shall be quiet now, and go away.

Nos da! =]


Wednesday 16 June 2010


I'm feeling nostalgia for the old blogs =[

Only last year we had our blogging tendencies; we were constantly at it. I greatly miss Chloe's blogs as in Chloe Williams...although now that I think about it the newer Chloe has stopped blogging too...

Anyway, yes I miss Chloe's blogs. I was always impressed with them. I can't say anything against Lee; I've never met him, but he did deteriorate my enjoyment of the blogging experience ;|

All the blogs that once were had their qualities, reflected in all your quirks of personality.

But that's probably mostly gone now; I lost my optimism for any real blogging revival a while ago. People move on to new things, and I'm afraid for most of us, the new things most probably won't include our blog followers.
Of course, our blogs will still be here - well, I'm not going to delete mine - but will we ever go back to the daily updates of blogs, sitting up late at night preferring to write a blog than doing actual work?

But that's not what you want to hear really. I'm no pessimist; I don't regularly complain. Knowing me as I do, I'll probably continue to update my blog sporadically, just to make sure its still there, long after all of you have become mature adults with little interest in the young ones' internet (apart from Xanthe. She'll always live on here). Because soon, that will be the case! :o Can you imagine, not being the young generation! We will be old! My cousin says that anyone older than 20 is old. I can see her point... You might not say that being in your 20s is the 2nd generation, but your well on your way there. And even if you don't think so, people will perceive you to be so.
Its scary, but good. I've always looked forward to getting into my twenties. Its certainly not as scary as the whole moving towards university. Which brings me to a point. I don't want to worry about it now, because I've done the exam. I'm just not sure I've got anywhere close to the B in History I need.... =/ I really don't want to stay another year in Caerphilly. I've warmed to the idea of going to Swansea a lot, being a floor buddy with Swaran :L
I guess whatever happens, happens. Just irritates me. I think grades should be given according to a discussion you've had. Sandy could've recorded so many of our class discussions and I would've gotten an A. >:|

I prefer the idea in university where you take your work home with you. Its a lot but you get more time. The time limits in our exams constrain us and our ability far too much. Timed essays aren't the only way of establishing people's intelligence. Stupid exam board.

I feel that I am repeating things I've said in a previous blog. I'm not sure. I think I talk about work a lot...

Instead I shall talk about my day. Which concerns a lot of work =/ So actually I won't talk about my day. I'll just say I had bacon, chips and beans for dinner. =]

I've also been taking a long break from revision this evening (although most of the last week has been a long break, but this evening's break felt less stressful) and I've played on Rome.

Then I felt compelled to blog about things. From what I gather off other people, we all have blogger on, yet we are all too lazy to actually write anything. We all feel that we have nothing to say? When did we ever have anything real to say? :L
To be honest, I think the spontaneous unplanned blogs gain much more attention than when we know what we want to write about.

The only thing I really set out to write about for this blog was about my History - which is now OVER - because Phil told me to update people about its end lol.

Other than that, I have fuck all to say. Now my back hurts and I want a drink, and I'm generally finding the voice in my head (which is my own) tedious. I always think loudly when I'm typing.... Sometimes I speak what I'm typing as a whisper without really noticing.... Does anyone else do that?

Anyway, someone else write a blog. Stop letting Xanthe get all the glory of blog-making ;D

Write anything. I just want to hear your [typed] voices!
I miss people =/

Nos da

(Back to old the traditions ;D you may have noticed a few large words)


Wednesday 9 June 2010

Sunday 23 May 2010

My Revision Aid...

You need not read this blog.

I am simply using blogger to help with revision...

How is the rural-urban fringe changing and why?

File:Madejsji inside.jpg

Madejski Stadium, Reading

The construction of this football stadium in 1998 shows major changes in the rural-urban fringe of Reading. As the city of Reading's population grows, there is an increased demand for recreational activities. The small amount of space within the inner city, and the greater expense of land means that pressure is put upon the fringes of the city. To accommodate demand, stadia have been built on the fringes of cities throughout the UK. In Reading, there are also examples of golf courses that have been created on the rural-urban fringe, at Calcot and Sonning. 
The pressures upon the rural-urban fringe have also required the construction of many motorways, to link cities for economic gain. For example, just to the south of Reading the M4 is present. Motorways ease transportation problems for industry and tourism. With motorways, the economy of the UK is boosted greatly. 
With British cities experiencing a rising population, and a culture change of families starting later, an increase in the construction of housing is needed. Generally, people also wish to live further away from the centre of the city, which is perceived as a place with more crime and a lack of fresh air. Therefore, pressure is put upon the rural-urban fringe to build more houses. This is a case of suburbanisation, where the outskirts of cities such as Reading become estates; towns are villages also become suburbanised 'dormitory settlements', where their residents work in the city miles away from home. 
These changes in the rural-urban fringe may have a decent economic effect on the city involved. There are gains to be made in housing, recreation and retailing. The development of the rural-urban fringe can also have a good effect socially, as people are content with their suburban houses, and the easy access of shopping and sporting facilities. Nevertheless, the development of the rural-urban fringe has a detrimental effect on the environment. The environmental effects may eventually work against the good economic, and social effects. 

That essay took me about 25 minutes... Hopefully, I'll be able to get the words out quicker in the exam. 12 minutes per essay...

Must mention either Cribbs Causeway or Culverhouse Cross as more local examples. Perhaps Castell Maen too..

Saturday 15 May 2010

One Hell of a Big Jump!

This just sounds so epic! =] When I'm older, I know I want to have a go at skydiving. BASE jumping is a bit more hardcore; doesn't really suit me, but it does sound amazing.

Burj Khalifa is the new tallest building in the world (in the United Arab Emirates).

File:Burj Khalifa building.jpg

At 828m, it is the world record.

Its other records include:

  • the world's highest mosque on its 158th floor
  • the world's highest swimming pool on its 76th floor
  • the world's fastest lift at a speed of 18 metres per second!

Of course BASE jumping is illegal, as it is the most dangerous recreational sport in the world with every 1 out 60 participants dying. The two fellows in the video were arrested afterwards.

However, two men from the UAE managed to get permission off the authorities to BASE jump from a crane suspended on the tower's 160th floor, at 672m, being the world's record BASE jump. Both men were successful. 

I so want to visit this place to see the tower! I like tall buildings =] I've been to the tallest tower in Melbourne, Eureka Tower. I think I mentioned it in a previous blog. The Eiffel Tower is also fun to visit. Of course, you probably all know that :P apart from Leah. 
I'm not afraid of heights at all, unless I was on a tightrope. I couldn't manage that, no. Falling - that's the real fear. I love heights; I like seeing things getting smaller. The London Eye is good like that, as things get progressively. The queues are irritating though ;| ... apparently, its much the same for Burj Khalifa; although, it is possible to get tickets beforehand with a 75% discount =]

My list of places to go on holiday has now expanded. I haven't got any great plans to go on a gap year, so i just hope I'll get a good enough job to go on all these holidays when I'm older.

I want to go to Egypt, Peru, Australia again (I want to visit Sydney and Uluru), many places in Europe, Canada, and now the UAE. 

I'm going to go now.

Bye x

Sunday 28 March 2010

A Summary of my Saturday - Post 43..


- boldness or daring, esp. with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.

That's the meaning behind Gavin's strange Facebook name.
I know I intended to listen to his music as well, to laugh at it. But I have not been bothered with that. 

Instead I have been bothered with watching films. Me, Rosie, Phil and Jemma watched Bounty Hunter at the cinema today, where we saw Ben at work which was a very strange sight indeed!

Being driven around by Phil is also a very different experience to being in Carrie's car or Sarah's. He is a very careful driver, and he has the same car as my dad. He drives similarly to a 40 year old :P

I look forward to Monday. I intend to drink my Kronenbourg and generally act like a good boy. :)

If Rachael is appearing at the party, I do hope she returns my tie.

I have very little to report at this point in time so I shall go to bed.

Night peoples!

Sunday 21 March 2010

That Place What Gets More Rain Than Us o:

Before I write this blog what springs to mind is Frankie Boyle, Edinburgh Castle, Bad weather, lots of unhealthy food, including haggis and oo Biffy Clyro.

I want to write a few things about Scotland now. What would keep you interested with this country. Perhaps, you'd enjoy Loch Ness considering that's very publicised, or Ben Nevis. Meh.

The Truth

You may think Scotch eggs are Scottish. However, you would be LYING to yourself! These disguised eggs were in fact created by the London Department store, Fortnum and Mason, in 1738.
I find this much less impressive =/

In any case, I think they taste abhorrent so I say whatever :)

Where d'you think Scotland Yard is? This always confused me. Its in London though and its where all the police talk about policing and whatnot. I looked up into why it was named Scotland Yard and well, it seems very slight. Perhaps Scottish kings visited the place from time to time, or the street may have just been owned by someone called Scott.

How many things with 'Scot' in the name actually have a very firm Scottish origin then?

To call a Scottish person 'Scotch' would be wrong too, as it was only confused English people that applied the term to them. The action, to scotch means to put an abrupt ending to. It has nothing to do with Scottish people and never did. Ha.

Now for anything that actually is Scottish:

  • Ewan McGregor! =]

  • I saw Moulin Rouge yesterday and that was fabulous. I have now downloaded 'Your Song', the one he sang because it is like amazing. And yeah.

  • A Grey Seal on the Isle of Skye 

File:Grey seal breast feeding 1150144.jpg

  • Nova Scotia, Canada, as in ethnicity. Almost 30% being Scottish.

  • Càrn Mòr Dearg - the eighth highest mountain in Scotland. Even this mountain at 1220 m is highest than Snowdon ;[

That's enough about Scotland for one day...


Wednesday 17 March 2010

I would never suit a chav's lifestyle =]

I just noticed that my last blog was concerned with the last party. I don't want to make a habit of only documenting parties though. So tonight I will write a blog on Scotland, as promised in November.

So yeah, there was a party last Friday. Mair's 18th which I had originally thought was a pyjama party, and then I was informed otherwise after buying a pair of pyjamas...

I did like the idea of school stereotypes though. Pregnant Mair was hilarious =] and I also liked Emo Ben. And well there were a lot of general good outfits. I remember coming in at the start of the party, sitting down next to Ben, marvelling at Mair's big shaggy dog. Then I commented on Ben's outfit and I laughed at his tie and he took offence.

So yeah, then there was a bit of singing, and there was sitting down on the sofas and chatting. Then more people turned up. We could hear Sarah coming from miles away because of the excessive laughter. Party carried on and there was drinking going on. I remember taking off one of my trainers...for some reason and the leaving it on the floor. I also remember photos being taken by Sarah and Carrie. I took a few photos of Sarah's legs because she wanted them documented. And I was told that I failed at photography.

I remember being tickled.. and I remember break dancing on the floor. Or well spinning on the floor..

Memory starting to go fuzzy.. I went to Mair's room for a while. I had a long chat with Leah about a lot of things. And this was at the same time as when people went for their first walk..

After that, I went downstairs, realised no one was in the house. I went outside and I was dragged away by Sarah down a lane... And yeah..

Then I remember being back in Mair's bedroom and chatting to Liam about things while Sarah was on my lap..
The lights were turned on and off and my memory is very small a this point. I just about remember the conversation I was having with Liam.

After this I remember returning downstairs, and seeing Beth very ill sitting on the wooden floor of Mair's house. Then Mair returned from 'Toppy' informing the rest of us that Xanthe had been left somewhere along the walk slowly freezing to death. I speedily left Mair's house in search of Xanthe with Sarah, without any of my trainers I might add. I didn't notice any of the stuff I trod in =/

We ran to where we thought we might find Xanthe, failed and walked back again. On the second time, Mair and Liam and Trev came with us and we found Xanthe. Then I, Liam and Trev walked on further to find Alan and Amy. However, we later discovered they were at Mair's house anyway.

I remember returning once more to Mair's house, getting emotional, shouting at Alan, being told by Liam and Trev that they were leaving, watching Xanthe stagger in with a look of Hell upon her face. People talked about things and i wasn't really listening. Then I settled down on the sofa, watched a bit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and fell asleep. I woke again later; thankfully I had missed the programme about penises... The traffic cops were very loud though and I could not get back to sleep until Mair had turned off the television.

We then chatted at about 4 in the morning, fell asleep again, woke again at about 7. I left Mair's later with Tim and that was the end of that.

I have no idea where my trilby hat has gone, however :(

So yeah, hope this shall get the appreciation is deserves. I put a lot of thought into it :P

I shall blog later. Bye!

Sunday 31 January 2010

A Party To End The Month With.

Thanks for the glasses Sarah :] lol

Suits me. x]

So yeah, to relieve ourselves of all the stress exams brought upon us we needed to go wreck Rob's house again and get scared by Cleo, who poses as a nice dog and then bites your hand off :'(

Well, Cleo doesn't like me, but ha no problem with Carrie, I seem to remember her saying.

So we arrived, I walked through the door twice again. There seems to be a problem in Rob's out in that I always have to walk through the door twice - I forget to take my shoes off.

I love it that we've had enough parties at Rob's that we must keep up traditions at his parties now =]

I always end up sitting on the floor, and under the table. And I have a nice chat with Rob's dad about Meg and Cleo.

We didn't get to play Air Hockey this time though :( Rob, you really need to get the car out of the goal thing.

I do applaud Rob on the lovely designed Kit Kats and other chocolates. I reeeally didn't want to move them, but we did anyway. I was starving. I enjoyed laughing at Carrie's attempts at eating hot pizza =]

So yeah, more people arrived and after an hour people were drunk enough to dance wildly in the living room. I was talking to Ross at the time, and he told me that Sarah scared him too lol. That was when we were sitting on the sofa and she fell on us. Silly Sarah.

There was also the point where Sarah compared Adam to something from the 1940s? And then she laughed hysterically..

The last encounter with Sarah was where she lured me to the alleyway :| and then well, you all know what happened next..
After that I set out to drink far too much, although I didn't mix anything so I wasn't sick.

There was much dancing apparently though I can't remember much of it..
And I had had enough partying at some point so I went to sleep on the sofa. Woke up to find Lewis staring at me, there was a penis drawn on my face. Thanks (Y)

Then stuff happened and we went home eventually. I seem to remember more people turning up very late. Pointless, but yeah.

Ben gave me Trainspotting because we had been talking about it (:

The walk home really sobered me up, but I still forgot to lock the door, and I got shouted at :/

And those were Gwyn's memories...



Wednesday 27 January 2010

Dictionary Definition of Cameroon

So yeah...

Not really.

I feel happy with ways in which 2010 is going. Well, there's a few things that I've been pretty happy about anyway (: Now the exams are over, I feel a weight lifted and I feel so lazy :P like normal but yeah. Even though I know there's new things to start worrying about but yeah, I'm like whatever to that right now. I am pleased that Rob got a party for the after-exam time :) And then I'm going to the cinema on Saturday for Chloe's birthday.

Parties are always a good thing. Also, I look forward to the Gower camping :) I don't think you're being serious enough Xanthe. You said nothing about it all day :O

And I also look forward to taking many many pictures in Poland :)

So 2010's going good, I want it to be amazing, something to actually remember before Uni, although I am looking forward to this much more now. Like I just want to find my life where its just me. Um...
Like i just want to break away from parents and make my own food, even though I know it will be a disaster many times  :) but I look forward to beans and crumpets. Lots of.
And I'm just looking forward to having new people around, people who are more obsessed with geography :P or maybe not. I'm not sure. Would I like them if they were all really good at geography and history? :/

I guess university will find me some kind of identity... that's more varied than it is now.. Or maybe not. I don't want to change that much...
But anyway yeah i doo want to find new people whether they be similar or different.

Thinking about moving on though, I've seen Liam a few times over the Christmas holidays and I've realised how much you can move on in a few months. I mean like he's my friend and all that, but there's some things that just makes me think 'Why were you my best friend?' :s ... Maybe its just because he hasn't talked to me for months and maybe i changed and now he can't deal with me. It just pisses me off though, and I find it much harder to think of what to say to him. I don't like to think that this happens to all people you miss out on for a while..

Hmm, what else am I feeling.... ah, I don't feel like making a big thing of little's too big.

I have to keep reminding myself that there's so much more to your life than what you're feeling at this precise moment. So I should really just get on with it and look at things in perspective.

Happy. =]


P.S sorry if this bores you, I didn't realise I wrote it until it was over...[=

Saturday 23 January 2010

Albums of 2009 (although I still love most of them now)

Got really excited earlier when a letter from UCAS came, but it was just a confirmation of me sending off my UCAS. Which I think is totally pointless >;/ I don't particularly want to know about something I did myself...
Never mind like; I really wanted a university saying 'yes' after like 2 days though. xP not going to happen though.

How is your UCAS Xanthe by the way?

Mhm, one thing that really annoys me about exams though is that I barely see my dad at all during them. My mum insists upon me staying at her house for the exams. Makes sense as Hendredenny is closer to school, and its best to keep all my revision in one place, but I just feel bad for my dad like :/

Also, I can put up with my dad for much longer than my mum. She's alright but I just need her to shut up sometimes! And she doesn't :|

Anyway, Rob's blog said express your favourite albums of 2009. So yeah, I had a few:

- Day & Age! I was obsessed with this Killers' album more than any other album they've made although I've kind of levelled out now. My favourite song is A Dustland Fairytale =]

- Folie Ã  Deux. Before this album I only had limited love of Fall Out Boy. I had heard one or two of their songs. I really got into this album and listened to it constantly last year. So yeah, t'is good :) I have no real favourite on this album because I've been obsessed with most of the songs at one time or another.

- Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends. Early in 2009 I was amazed by Coldplay, and I got into this album. And then I got into the EP they released next.

- Prospekt's March. Listen to Life in Technicolour II. Its awesome =]

- Everything in Transit. Not a big fan as much now, but I did listen to this album by Jack's mannequin looads. I like the cover to this one =] Is pretty

- The Fame. Yeah, I am kind of ashamed to admit it now, but Lady Gaga's first album I listened to many many times. I don't like it at all any more but there you go - it happens.

The face of a blond woman. She is wearing black glasses. The right side of the glasses is covered by blue crystals. On the bottom of the left side of the glasses, the word "The Fame" is written in white.

- Only By The Night. I love all the songs on this KOL album :) It's been on my mp3s since like forever so yeah, all them songs are good.

- Slipway Fires. Now I realise I can't really put all the albums I've loved in 2009; there were looads. But yeah, I was obsessed with Razorlight too :)

And there's a few more albums as well...

OK, there's basically loads I feel I should put in, but its difficult to sort them down to the top 10, and I also can't be arsed :)

Hope it satisfies your question though Rob



Wednesday 20 January 2010

Buried by Exams, and a Big Picture of a Cookie =]

I haven't chatted about exams yet. Its all like meh. Now, I guess I've had my first exam for this year, I'll talk about it.

Just had history this morning. Went good I think, I actually enjoyed an exam for once which makes a difference. It didn't have excessive amounts of annoyingly loud GCSE kids, and I actually found some interest in British history. I didn't even mention the hoover though :O

:/ that's disappointing; I'll get over it.

I'm actually looking forward to my marks :) not that I really want to think too much about the exam now its over, but still. I just need a result that will push my History grade to a B.

Now History is over, I really want to relax again but its like Geography now :/ and this is the exam that I know I'll find impossibly difficult. I just can't get my head straight on it though. Its Human Geography, with stuff to do with Cardiff Bay regeneration? And ummm well there's loads of work we did on it last year in a short space of time, which had no effect on me whatsoever. And now I must learn a reasonable amount for it in a day? Unless the exam's at 1, I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to that.
I hated the exam last time, its a lot of essays for 1 and a half hours. I mean I enjoy Geography, I find it very easy to talk about, but I can't remember everything in such a short space of time >;/ grrr.

Anyway, can't complain. I chose it after all, although I didn't know what the exams were going to be like. I could've quit in but what use would that be. Where would I be if I didn't have Geography and History. I hated French...despised Chemistry. Maths was extremely tedious. I can't even think of anything else I'd've preferred to have gone along with. Well, perhaps Geology, but that was in St. Martin's and I'm too lazy for that :/ ...

So, anyway. I haven't been working very hard on revision today, having a 'break'...


Bye bye

PS. I hate that I've lost my shaver. I need a shaveeee :(


PS number 2. Thanks for the cookie, Sarah =D


Tuesday 19 January 2010

Monday 18 January 2010

How Do You Pronounce It? Hay-tee or Hi-tee

Just felt this was important.

So sign the petition please lovely followers of my blog (:

Now wouldn't you love an informative blog on Haiti (: ....

There it is.


Haiti does have an interesting history - well I find it interesting anyway - but I don't want to bore you. Instead just look at a picture of Jean Jacques Dessalines who led Haiti to independence from France in 1804.


He has a funny hat (:


I would write more about Haiti, but popular Haitian music is very rap orientated. I got bored. Also revision is calling to me. Sadly :(

Bye then.


Friday 8 January 2010

Yes, we are still buried in a snow drift.

Hello, and welcome to the enrichment centre.

Have you ever been listening to your mp3, ipod, whatever. And then you find a song you've never seen there before...
Happened to me yesterday - was pretty weird. Found this song The Device Has Been Modified by the Victims of Science. Tis an odd song. I liked it the first time, and then it just gets on your nerves. Its got edited robotic voices that get annoying very quickly. 

So yeah, anyway its bloody freezing isn't it? :| There's all this snow. It has been fun; played sledding down my street (: almost got run over by Gareth as he was driving up the street. He is stupid driving on the snow though. I hate people ruining the snow. One of my neighbours, this miserable old man, was sweeping up all the snow >;/ while we were sledding on it! How boring is that Mr. Boringface! Hmph.
I didn't play sledding for long though. Went inside after my right hand was just freeeezing - I was using it to steer the sled.

That was Wednesday. Thursday, no school (: Had a reasonable lie-in, and then spent the  afternoon with Angharad and Chloe. Went out to town, didn't really do much in the way of shopping though, except buying a Chinese. Which was great, best Chinese I've had in ages :P I like the one in town. Its not as expensive as the Chinese in Castle View. Better value for money. Also, the chip shop in town is amazing! You can get so much nice fatty food (:

So I ended up with glitter all over my face. People were giving me funny looks....
The glitter was fine, but I do not like lipstick :| ...

Now it is Friday, just realised I have 12 days until my first exam. =/ I've History on the 20th. Its the Britain sources exam. And I'm not looking forward to it. So instead of doing any playing in the snow, I'm going to shut myself up in the house, and I might actually look at some old work...if I can find it.

So yeah, also, I am annoyed that the post won't get up and running ;[ I want my new phone. Grrrr.

Also, I have no lovely snowy videos like Xanthe =/ but here's a picture of Ronald, the snowman I put on my dad's car (:

Bye (:


Tuesday 5 January 2010

A Crap Response To Xanthe's Demand. Be Pleased.

So he said, "Would it be all right if we just sat and talked for a little while, if in exchange for your time I give you this smile?"
So she said, "That's okay, as long as you can make a promise not to break my little heart or leave me all alone in the summer."

I've just realised I love Panic! At The Disco, yes (:

As for New year's - It wasn't the best night of the year or decade ever to be quite honest. I had stuff to do all the week up to New Year's and nothing to do on the night.
I watched this shit film, The Killing Room, with my mum and Gareth. Twas shit.
Joined in with the facebook countdown. Didn't feel like watching it on the tv. Or rather I preferred to stay seated, and lazy and whatnot (:

Watched The Invention of Lying in bed; I love Ricky Gervais. He is fabulous. I can see why he's not exactly the comedian that anyone can love, because he has a very definite style about him that people can just hate. Yes Ricky = Marmite. I think even the name is like marmite. I hate the name Ricky =/ sounds like a bastard's name.
Walk down the street, someone behind you goes, 'ohh Ricky!'

I'd be like 'shit', look down and walk faster. Chavs, scary. I hate walking through Treccy, down to the end of First Avenue, where all the houses look like they've been burned down 6 times... and all the people look like they haven't stabbed enough people today. I went past there in the snow to walk to town. Its definitely one of the biggest risks I'm going to take.

So far, this year I've been entirely obsessed by films. I watched Pulp Fiction which was amazing (: I love Samuel L Jackson, and i love that you have to say the 'L' in his name because if you don't it sounds wrong.

Gwyn L Llewellyn. oooo yeah ;]

So yeah the explosions were exciting in that. And I watched The Crow yesterday. Twas so sad but it was good yeah.

Films, films...sorry this is a boring blog really. I have no spectacular news to broadcast.
Bewis :L

But seriously, then again, I don't enjoy the drama blogs..
just saying like. I prefer the story blogs

Like Chloe's Portugal blog thing (:

By the way, what are you, Xanthe, thinking about the blogger awards?

mhm...really can't think of anything to say....yeah..

Bye bye.
