Tuesday 15 December 2009

Karan's Prom....

Are any of you actually going to that? Or is there no reason for me to listen to Karan go on about it...?



LiLiBell said...

I think we will all be going but are enjoying stressing Karan out by not giving in deposits lol

GL said...

Ohhh ok then =]

I just don't want to give it in until I know someone who has

Chloe said...

I'm going! and gave my deposit in today, as did Xanthe and Sarah.
It's safe for you to attend Gwyn!

Xanthe said...

Tis true I am going.
I am head of the fundraising comity :L.

beffyralph said...

Go to Prom Gwyn

And please get deposits in, or it will genuinely ned cancelling...