Friday 19 June 2009

What an uneventful day....

With a day consisting of an AoE game with Xanthe, John, Alan, Liam, Ben and Trev and then about 50 minutes of singing practice for the Joseph Production I have little inspiration to set out on blogging but ohh well.

Its no fun getting cornered by Mrs Gray and dragged into the singing and crap, especially with only 3 weeks or something to learn the stuff.

I am not the best singer anyway even if I did not know the words so its like ahh! But how can I say no. Easily enough you'd think, but well I figured it would look good on my CV i have edit for Welsh Bacc. This CV stuff annoys me anyway because I doubt I'd be able to get a job at the present time anyway. Also, I don't want one :/ why does insist on summer holiday part time work!

I agree with the whole volunteer work though. It can be more interesting and varied, like I've done National Trust work and work in the Castles' Relay, and I could try and get volunteer work in a[n Archaeology] dig.

But anyway...what the hell is this....




Timothy Ted said...

It's a signpost for a secret bunker.

Hey Gwyn do you remember the year 6 production of Joseph? The one where I was a hairy Ishmaelite?
Ah, fine days.
Who do I see if I want to relive those memories?
I'm not sure if I could be a hairy ishmaelite again though. Slightly less hair would be better this time.

GL said...

lol there isnt really a hairy ishmaelite....well he hasnt been hairy in the practices

And I was Jacob in that :D

I forgot the amazing technicolour dreamcoat in the first show :O
so embarassing!