Friday 12 June 2009

'Dancing On A Friday Night!'

Not really dancing tonight (wouldn't mind though) but I just like the Darkness' song :]

Anyway, today I got happy :)
Out of french finally!!! wooo .... I did look a tad bit stupid today [as per usual] because I went to French for an hour before telling Miss I didn't want to do French next year and she said I shoulda said when I got there :-| ... still, the lesson was alright. Just watched french film extracts and judged them. We didn't even speak French all lesson! Annoyed Phil a bit and got out early. Now my Friday afternoons are really free :DAlthough, are the timetables changing then next year? I dunno

So Plants vs Zombies! There must be a blog on this :P

For those who don't know about it [although I doubt there are any] it's the new craze in 6th form gaming, and I must say its beaten the old AoE obsession. You look around the IT room now; you will not find a game in progress ... well I certainly haven't seen any. And this is probably a good thing because it leads to a lot of rivalry and lack of socialising. As John said 'we've spent pretty much the entire year in this room'. I have nothing against the room but I do wish we'd talk more lol.

I'm way over AoE now; it's so boring now especially with all the cheaters on it. I would rant for hours but John doesn't have any blog and has expressed his negative feelings on it so no bloggering person would be particuarly interested in AoE rants...

So, going back to the quitting of French and of course, I really want to remove Chemistry from my timetable, I'm slightly worried about the lack of work to do throughout the day. Although, I am planning on adding Psychology [and nothing you say Xanthe will change my mind] I will still have way to much free time on my hands. You'd think that was good but not really. I don't want to spend an excessive amount of time in the computer room. I need to find some hobby to do (this is an idea nicked off Chloe's blog by the way).
Well, for the holidays I'm planning to get back into guitar; well I'll look at it at least. Also, I would love to start learning about driving in some form. I'd feel much better even if I just read about a car or two. I feel out of place when people can have conversations about cars and problems and how great they all are, while I stand there completely bemused.
Also, in the holdiays, I want to work towards my IOLP targets - find out best archaeology/ancient history courses in universities, read up on archaeology, and going on a real dig :) If i manage to find one I could volunteer for, that would be good. I really wanna find something interesting [although I probably won't but you know. I wanna see something historical and learn about it. It'd give me something to do. I don't really see how I could incorporate that into school :/ but well its something.

Good thing about the school computers ... You can blog!! :P
Also, Gwyn is happpy that he has mobile blogging; meant to take a random photo today and put it on here, but I forgot. Will do though :D

Yeah, so this weekend I'm off to do the directing of the Castles' Relay - a run through Wales where a person runs from castle to castle and when they get there another person takes over. Me, my nan, my mum, and 3 of my aunties are driving in front of the runners and putting up signs to show them where to go. Bit of hard work, and I wouldn't be surprised if I get lost or something, but we do get free meals :D

Anyway, I'm off now cos my mum's having a go at me for not packing so tra peoples


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